ACME Building Consultants Pty Ltd (ACME) has a Complaints Handling Process to deal with complaints within the scope of engagement as the relevant building surveyor.
Complaints outside the scope of our engagement should be referred to the appropriate agency.
The types of complaints we may be able to assist with include the following:
Non-compliant building work
Protection work matters
Siting or overlooking issues, however, if the planning permit includes siting or overlooking requirements then these complaints should be directed to the planning department of the local Council
Please note: If there is any life safety issue that requires urgent attention, you should immediately contact your local Council who have the ability of issuing an emergency order.
The types of complaints we do NOT deal with include the following:
Planning issues - Local Council
The conduct of the builder or other registered building practitioners – Victorian Building Authority on 1300 815 127
Disputes between owners and builders in regards to payments, contractual matters or building defects - Consumer Affairs Victoria or the Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria on 1300 557 559
Plumbing issues - Victorian Building Authoirty on 1300 815 127
Gas or electrical issues - Energy Safe Victoria on 9203 9700
Fencing or boundary disputes-– Dispute Settlement Centre Victoria on 1300 372 888
Unsafe work site or asbestos -WorkSafe Victoria on 1800136089
Environmental matters including noise, pollution or debris – Either the local council or the Environmental Protection Authority on 1300 372 842
If you believe you have a complaint which falls within our scope of engagement then please send an email to info@acmesurveying.com with the following information:
Your full name and contact details including your address and mobile telephone number
Full details of your complaint
Any supporting information including photographs
Complaints will be acknowledged and complainants will be advised of the outcome in due course. Timeframes will vary depending on the nature of the complaint and action required to be taken.