Successful Building Surveying for your project
We are committed to the success of every project for every client. All the while ensuring your compliance obligations are being achieved. You can rely on our expert advice to get the job done!
ACME Building Consultants can provide building permits and inspection services for a range of commercial applications. Our previous experience includes:
Residential apartment and mixed use developments
Office buildings
Warehousing and Production facilities
Industrial buildings including Services Utilities buildings
Public assembly buildings including Educational facilities
Institutional buildings including Hospitals & nursing homes
Retail buildings including Service stations
We have the knowledge and experience to carry out every job with maximum professionalism and efficiency.
We are experienced in applying building certification, approval and inspection services to a full spectrum of residential projects including:
Dwellings - new & demolition
Additions and alterations to existing dwellings
Multi-unit developments
Outbuildings, fences and retaining walls
Our professional team will take great care in respecting property and privacy when undertaking residential work.
Additional Services
In addition to statutory building permits, we can offer assistance with building certification and consultation services on projects including:
Specialised reports such as performance based solutions
Relevant Authority applications for report and consent
Inspection services (non-mandatory)
Building advice in regard to regulatory compliance matters
Please note that ACME Building Consultants can only provide consultancy services and advise where we have not been engaged as relevant building surveyor.